Adoption and Enforcement of Ordinances and Policies


Practicing Attorneys

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Whether adopting, interpreting or enforcing ordinances — including land use regulations — or developing and implementing broad public policies, a thorough understanding of the subject area and an appreciation for the public interest is crucial. A knowledgeable legal partner can help guide the way.

The adoption and enforcement of local ordinances and policies can raise constitutional issues and implicate local, state and federal laws. Sound legal advice is important to assure that every step is well grounded and carefully considered, whether it is being taken to adopt or to enforce a municipal ordinance or policy.

Counseling clients on the drafting, enactment, interpretation and enforcement of municipal ordinances and public policy is a regular part of our practice. We are also highly experienced in representing our clients in proceedings before the Environmental and Civil Divisions of the Vermont Superior Court, and the Judicial Bureau, as well as in prosecuting and defending appeals from those tribunals.

We also have extensive experience in representing clients in State land use and regulatory proceedings, including in Act 250 hearings and before the Vermont Public Utility Commission.